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The Madness is Upon Me!!!!

Would you sign already?!

Even a cursory glance at my profile will tell you that I'm some what of a hockey fan.  Especially of the NHL and my hometown Minnesota Wild.  Well today at 11:00am CST began the annual craze-fest that is the start of Free Agency.  Always an interesting time, but this year the Wild are hoping to reel in some big fish in addition to a number of their top prospects they have turning pro this year.  So I'm firmly attached to the Twitter feed all day/week.

This year's big targets are Zach Parise and Ryan Suter both stars having previous connections with Minnesota.  Despite dealing with interference from those that would rather chat about Napoleonics, Hail Caesar,  Warhammer 40k 6th Edition, etc. I have desperately tried to channel my psychic brain waves in order to mentally convince these elite players to sign with my favorite team.

Come to Minnesota... come to...

Unfortunately Suter is hunkered down on his farm in Wisconsin and strangely there is something that seems to block mental activity once you cross the border.  As far as Parise, he has left his lovely home in Minnesota in order to take offers at the Canuckland office of his agent in Toronto.  There has only been repeated trips to Tim Hortons reported so far, so this might last a few days before a decision is made.  The thought of Zach playing on the Wild next season makes me willing to do almost anything to help that dream come true...

In your eyes, I see us winning...  In your eyes, the Stanley Cup...

Hopefully this detraction from my other wonderful hobby won't last too long and only be a momentary interruption to the gaming blogosphere.  In the meantime be sure to circle back around and take another look at last week's "This Week in Military History" post.  The hit counter tells me that most of you seem to have missed it.  ;-)

Update:  July 4th, unbelievably the Wild were able to sign both top free agents.  Woohoo!  Definitely excited for the NHL season to start!!

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