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Hitman Hits A Big Head Man

Hitman Hits A Big Head Man

No you killed the rat after he had become dependant on it.

Get a torch from home depot. Half the price for literally the Same thing.

I use my blue propane torch for lots of cooking stuff. One that I also use to sweat plumbing joints or other repairs. I've also used a butane torch from harbor freight. I use that torch to set heat shrink tube and various little things.

Start out easy mode when cooking. Do you know how to sautee onions and mushrooms? No? Well what the fuck? You should, because doing so will instantly land a metric fuckton of flavor on literally anything you cook, and it's just butter and the ingredients in question.

Place pad of butter in a skillet on a heated element. Hey look! That butter turns to liquid! Suddenly, YFW. Now, you throw some chopped onions and/or mushrooms in there.
But how do you know when the onions/mushrooms are done? Put that stopwatch away! They change color, bitch, and turn soft and wiggly. I'd say it ain't rocket science, but man, even kerbals can cook an onion, and like rocketry, if you ain't gettin' science, you probably gotta turn up the heat.

What do you do with your little delectables once they're soft and wiggly? Add 'em to savory dishes. Put them on steak. In sandwiches. Soup (seriously, this is a ramen noodle game changer). Hell, even salads. Congratulations, you learned how to cook!

Next week, we'll take what you learned here and apply it to the savory seasoning of gods, GARLIC. We're gonna have you speaking in Italian accents before it's done, and probably kill a vampire or two along the way!

I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens.


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