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Something's wrong with the net...

... so I'm using my Dad's computer at the moment. The keyboard is really sucky and it takes all my energy just to punch in one letter.

Nothing much has been going on. One bore after another.
I learned how to draw those stupid architectural plans yesterday. Gave me a super bad headache. I'm not exaggerating about the headache. It was really bad.
And it's a CLASS. Not a one week thing. :S Many more headaches on Fridays to come.

Then I went for Japanese class and trashed my reputation (or whatever little I had, anyway). Since my slippers broke and my sneakers are all torn and in shreds, I've been living with 4 inch heels (at least) on my feet. So as usual, I wore them to Japanese class yesterday. While walking down after class, I was getting emotional while telling Nee On something (I'll get to this later), and I missed a stepped. :S I slipped but thank you Lord, I didn't fall flat on my arse or that would have been a good laugh.
I owe Nee On for grabbing me.
Anyway, apparently, I scraped my elbow during the fiasco. Nee On poked the wound and made me realise it hurts like crap or I would never have noticed.
I don't owe Nee On for this.
And now, for the thing I was getting emotional about. I told Nee On on Thursday that I want to lose weight and asked for advice. He said 'Take the stairs in college'.
So, I thought, 'Okay! Stairs it will be then!' and I took the stairs on Friday. Totally forgetting I was in four bloody inches of heel. That's what happens when you get used to heels.
So I took the stairs from the second floor wanting to go up to the sixth floor. So I counted my floors '3... 4... 5... 6...', right? WRONG! I forgot my stupid college doesn't have a bloody 4th floor and I landed up ONE floor above the real floor I was supposed to be on. Name-wise it's the sixth floor, reality-wise it's the FREAKING FIFTH FLOOR.
I had a field day walking up those floors -.-
Lyd: I'm not meant to take stairs!!! I'm never taking the stairs again! *slips* ._.
That's what happened. I wanted to stomp my foot to prove a point but I slipped in the process.

Mr. Soong said that the actresses in today's Hollywood are more scandalous! Scandalous in drugs, hell yeah. Sex, heck no. (except those few sex videos which they all 'regret' after it leaks)
I've got prove! MUAHAHAHAHAHA! Marilyn Monroe gave blows for movie parts! :D And she announces them! I love that woman!
I'm going to REGAIN MY REPUTATION! (whatever little is LEFT). Yes, I'm still emo over it.

I kinda envy Marilyn Monroe for dying so young... I mean, not that I really wanted her to die but she died so beautiful. Nobody got a chance to poke fun at her for being old or anything... Everybody just remembers her as that gorgeous person.

My Chemical Romance is coming to Malaysia and everybody seems to think I'm dying to go.
Lemme tell you something... I don't like My Chemical Romance!!
Good Lord. -.-

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