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Solitaire Room ( #BOTB Results )

I'm pushing bedtime as the sound of traffic passes below.  It's a steady sound.  I thought we had stay-at-home orders or something like that.  Not many people have been staying home from the traffic I see when I'm out and about...

Solitaire Room

         My computer has been taunting me again so I've retreated into my Solitaire Room.  It's really my wife's office which also serves as a room for guests.  In that room I also have an older computer that I only use to play solitaire before I go to bed.  When the weather gets warmer like it has been today I open the window to allow cooler breezes to blow in along with the traffic noise. 

        Hopefully my computer will decide to behave tomorrow so I don't have to use my wife's computer.  Just another thing to think about in frustrating times.  So might as well move on to...

Battle of the Bands Results  

        My previous Battle was with Iggy Pop and Voltaire with their renditions of the David Bowie hit "China Girl".   I had added this song to my BOTB queue several years ago because I like Bowie's version quite a lot and noted that there were a number of covers from which to chose.  In the end I went with Iggy Pop for historical value and I did think it was kind of cool.  Voltaire was my other pick because I like the artsy rock style and the violins.  As you might guess the latter was my pick.

       Voters overwhelmingly agreed with my pick.  At least Iggy ended up with a tiny contingent of fans.  Thanks you few folks for avoiding a shut-out.

Final Vote Tally

Iggy Pop            3

Voltaire              13

Next Battle on Friday May 15

      Hope to make it if computers are willing and the COVID don't rise...

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