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On My Knees

It was a misty mellow morning, more suited to autumn than Spring.   Pleasant enough for walking the dog though, so I headed along the primrose strewn old railway line.   

All was well until I reached the end of the cleared stretch, the next bit is full of what has grown in the many decades since the railway cuts and the removal of the track.     I intended to go down the grassy bank and into Farmer B's field so that I could take the gentle stroll along to the Wild Wood...

I took a tumble, one of those stupid, slow-motion ones, falling onto  my hands and knees,  down the slope and into the mud.       I felt like an idiot.      Mud on my hands, mud on my knees and my chin.   I got up and felt fine, just stupid.   

The dog was still at the top of the slope, grinning.

I cut our walk short.     I wanted to get home to put arnica on my back, the last thing I need is a replay of the pain from a few weeks ago.      My back feels stiff, muscles jarred, but so far so good.

I am beginning to think I'm not safe to be out on my own.   😢

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