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BLAM 2013 - A weekend of gaming

This weekend I have had the pleasure of attending BLAM, a gaming event run by members of the Lead Adventure Forum for members of the Lead Adventure Forum. Its simply a three day event of games, friends, new friends, beer, more beer and great company.
This is non profit good time event !!
Unfortunately I could only be there for Friday and Saturday and despite running three great Predator games I got to play on most of the other tables as well ! Hopefully I can squeeze in Sunday next year.
If I have time in the coming days I'll try and add some more text to the photos to tell you what' going on,,

Shadow Worlds  - run by Matakishi




Jack the Ripper: Empires of the Dead - Run by Thunderchicken

The Adventures of Robin Hood - Sharp Practice  - run by Dr D'eath

Skirmish Scavenge Survive - run by Silent Invader

Some Room Shots

Predators: Run by me Eric the Shed

In her Majesty's Name run by ????

Strange Aeons run by Mason

Gladiators - Blood in the Sand - run by Mamalute
A big thank you to Matakishi and his family for hosting the event, here's to 2014

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