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  1. Because the world needs more Nathan Fillion...
  2. Because Neil Patrick Harris continues to prove that you can, in fact, be known for more than Doogie Howser...
  3. Because I just watched a podcast with Felicia Day and all I can say is she is every geek's dream girl (except mine, of course...I already have the Missus whom I should note despises SEX AND THE CITY and counts THE DARK KNIGHT as her most anticipated movie of 2008)...
  4. Because Joss Whedon made Firefly, dammit, and he made it with Nathan Fillion, and he wrote the best X-Men comic to come out in well over a decade, and there was that whole Buffy thing you may have heard about....
And now that I have (almost) exhausted my ellipses use for the day, I humbly present to you...

You will laugh, you will cry, you will see signing cowboys.

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