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Someone In This Online Group Asked “Who Is A Fictional Character That You’re Glad Isn’t Real, And Why?”, 43 Folks Delivered

In the fictional world, anything can happen: people can fly, make all of their dreams come true, read minds, and other fun stuff. But it also reveals people's darkest fears, explores the dark side of human psychology, and the authors of those fictional worlds let their characters loose.

They're only fictional characters, right? So no harm here—we can exit the story as easily as we entered it. But what if some of the movie, book, and mythological characters were real? Reddit user SugarMinnow had that thought too and asked "Who is a fictional character that you're glad isn't real, and why?"

Over 17k people responded, listing their most feared characters. Some of them reasoned their opinions, while some didn't think that obvious things need to be explained. Bored Panda went through the thread and picked the characters that most people felt glad were not real. What do you think of them? Is there any character that you're glad is not real that is not mentioned here? Then put it in the comments down below!

More info: Reddit


I'd say Lex Luthor, but Jeff Bezos is already half way there.

Image credits: dominant5th


The duck from The Duck Song

Imagine trying to run your business and a 4ft duck comes in everyday asking for grapes and s*** KNOWING you don’t sell grapes

Image credits: Zebbylmao


Freddie Kruger by a lot. Assuming he at any point gets tired of Elm Street kids.

Image credits: crowe_1




Image credits: GreenEyes9678


The xenomorph!

Image credits: Little_Hobbitt


Jigsaw. I don’t wanna make some mistake in my life and get killed for it. Have you seen the petty s*** people get abducted for in some of those movies?

Image credits: Shronut



I shouldn't have to explain why.

Image credits: BoredBSEE


Dr. Evil - He'd kill us all using frickin sharks with frickin laser beams attached to their heads...

Image credits: EDude7779


The stay puft marshmallow man

For obvious reasons

Image credits: joedirte70


The Joker. The last thing the world needs right now is that guy running around.

Image credits: Apache1One


That massive alien spider thing from the Mandalorian and all its babies ;-;

Image credits: Anxious-Basis8648


Sandman. Imagine some stupid mf comes every night in your house and puts f*****g sand in your eyes.

Image credits: i_like_boobies_69420


Godzilla. I mean imagine all the property damages


Well, Hitler was real, and that was pretty bad. So I'm gonna assume Mecha-Hitler would be worse.

Image credits: cbusalex


Burger King. He has not demonstrated to me that he would effectively rule a sovereign nation. He has shown little in the way of diplomacy skills, and has no record on defense. Unlike rival nations he has no enduring cabinet or advisers (no Grimace, for example). He has never forged an alliance (with Ronald or Wendy, at least). Flame-broiled only gets you so far on the world stage.



Having an immortal wizard dude (Since Harry isn't around) that can just go around Avada Kedavra'ing anyone he doesn't like sounds miserable.


Kratos. Sure he’s a single dad just doing his best now but he killed an entire pantheon and sent the world into irreparable chaos. He raised the seas, unleashed hordes of lost souls from hades, blocked out the sun, killed Gaia, literally Mother Earth, and no matter how hard he or anyone else tried he couldn’t seem to die. And that’s just in one of the games.

Image credits: finallyoneisnttaken



Literally the embodiment of true chaos and insanity. His dreams are our universe, if he ever wakes up all of reality will be wiped from existence.

Image credits: Galileo258


Kirby, he could eat everything you hold dear.

Image credits: Mini-Heart-Attack


Megatron. Do we really need a crazy robot the size of a tank running around? Even worse would be his namesake from Beast Wars. That one is devious, yeees

Image credits: ChronoLegion2


Little Finger...

We don't need World war 3 anytime soon!

Image credits: xeo_envy7



Imagine the smell..

Image credits: BayneInsane


Zapp Brannigan. Incompetent, arrogant, shameless, manipulative, zero morals or empathy, yet in a position of almost unequalled power.

Although he isn't real, he's unfortunately representative of a lot of man-children in positions of power.



Image credits: HECUMARINE45


Darth Vader, love the character but would not like to be on the receiving end of his lightsaber/force/arm


Galactus. We ain't got s*** for him and he would just roll through our solar system as we just watched the news talking about strange phenomenon happing related to gravity in flux. Then one day we just see a giant hand in the sky


anything from Subnautica


Eric Cartman.

Rick Sanchez.


Light yagami dude probabaly would've taken over the world by now


All the dimensionless characters in H.P. Lovecraft literature because they're terrifying, beyond words.


Omni man

Image credits: lightsage007


The Man in Black, the Walkin’ Dude, Randall Flagg… multidimensional pure evil.


Azula, she really scared me as a child and would be a terrifying person in real life.


The Terminator. Hopefully unstoppable killer robots will never be part of our lifetime.


Ghostfreak from Ben 10, he possesses bodies and haunts whenever you come up upon it.


Smaug. Literal fire breathing dragon.


The Gravemind from Halo. It's an absolutely horrifying monster than can literally resurrect you and violate you in the most horrific manner.


Brightburn or Homelander


Almost everything from SCP except 999


Darth Nihilus




Ted Faro from horizon: zero dawn

Thing is, he doesnt have superpowers nor mystical weapons from ancient civilizations, he is just a guy that somehow accidentaly manages to wipe the entire human race

It scares me because it could honestly be something that happens in real life


Trevor f*****g Phillips

from Bored Panda https://ift.tt/3uJnADm

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