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Wahu In Support Of Independent An Woman


In a society where male chauvinism is actually a huge thing right from the head of state and other political seats are highly dominated by men women are mostly forgotten behind the shadows of men that is why I believe that whoever made the saying behind every successful man is a woman was wrong because women can use that energy to empower themselves and take the leadership roles.

Wahu is one of the few independent women who has risen and continues to shine all the way to the top in the Music Industry which by the way is also dominated by men with timeless hit songs that always make waves in the industry.

The mother of two came out to urge women to depend on themselves instead of constantly asking their spouses for money. She However does not judge the women who are supported by men but goes ahead to praise Independent women saying they are the real deal. Her view received a fair share of critics and positive feedback with some saying that it is the duty of men to provide for their women but most people came to the the support of Wahu including men themselves saying times have changed and there is no excuse for women who still depend on their lovers since the society has built a conducive environment for women to do their thing.

Wahu with Nameless

The music icon went ahead to advice women to find a way to save, have a bank account and even own businesses and there are so many organizations that support women empowerment like dada account so women who just stay at home with no logic reason are just lazy. prove me wrong!

Be the power couple let people crave what you have, have something to put on the table make your man proud, support him financially instead because most of gender based violence is brought by unemployment on the side of women preventing them from walking away from abusive marriage.

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